Why become involved?
We are a small mountain community, surrounded by beautiful National Forests. We enjoy a full four seasons with grand snow covered mountains and a self-reliance sense of community. Because of our surroundings and weather, we are not immune to fire, flooding, mudslides, inaccessibility, geological, and other uncontrollable events. We have faced the facts that in an emergency situation, we may have to respond with our own, community based team and resources. If you are a part of the PMC Community, you have a vested interest in the outcome and success of our training and response efforts. “ Everyone has a dog in this hunt”.
Other Local Contacts-
PMC Patrol – (661) 242-3857
PMC Fire Station – (661) 242-3702
Clubhouse 24-hour line – (661) 242-3788
PMC weather & roads – (661) 242-4017
Kern County Sheriff (661) 245-3440
Poison Control – (800) 222-1222
CHP Road Conditions/Highway Info – (800) 427-7623
Electrical Outage/Powerline – 800-611-1911
US Forest Service – (661) 245-3449
Animal Control – (661) 763-2474
You can email the PMC Patrol commander at